Please join the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation along with U.S. Senator Mark Kirk and U.S. Representatives Ed Royce, Robert Dold, Frank Pallone and Anna Eshoo for a luncheon honoring His Excellency Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, with special guest Robert M. Morgenthau, grandson of Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who served in the Ottoman Empire in 1915.
September 30, 2015 • 12:00 PM
HVC 201 Capitol Visitors Center
The program will include an address from President Sargsyan and the IRWF will posthumously bestow the Raoul Wallenberg Medal to Henry Morgenthau, Sr., in the hands of his grandson (Robert).
Please RSVP to Ashley Depew at Ashley@RedRiverCo.net. For more information or RSVP assistance please contact Bryan Ardouny at bardouny@aaainc.org.
If you would like your meal prepared Kosher, please let us know.
The IRWF is a non-profit non-governmental organization. It is a tax exempt public charity under IRS Code: 501©(3).