The Smithsonian Institution plans to feature Armenian Culture in the 2018 Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C., according to Smithsonian Institution Director of International Relations Molly Fannon in an interview with Voice of America Armenian service.
During the interview, Fannon spoke about Armenia’s rich cultural heritage, as well as the Armenian people’s lifestyle, oral stories, dance, and food. She noted that the Smithsonian Institution wants to help develop Armenia’s cultural sector by linking it to tourism, and create new jobs in cultural tourism. According to Fannon, their respective objective is to bring new tourists to Armenia, who will spend most of their time outside the capital city of Yerevan, and get familiarized with the Armenian folk cultural heritage.
The working theme for the 2018 Smithsonian Folklife Festival is “creative and cultural industries.” Currently, discussions are underway about participation of artisans from Armenia, among other countries.
The Smithsonian Institute has previously featured Armenian culture and music in past festivals. Last month, Armenian bands Armenian Public Radio and TmbaTa performed at the 2016 Smithsonian Folklife Festival on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., promoting the “My Armenia” project. Last year, the Smithsonian Institution launched the U.S. sponsored “My Armenia” project in collaboration with the Government of Armenia in order to preserve Armenian culture and encourage more tourism. This project plans to digitize—in 3D format—the masterpieces of Armenian culture and history.