Headquartered in Washington, DC, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest, non-partisan Armenian-American advocacy organization in the United States.
Since 1972, the Assembly continues to promote public awareness of Armenian issues, encourage greater Armenian-American participation in the American democratic process, and assist in humanitarian and development programs in Armenia and Artsakh, while strengthening the U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Artsakh relationships.
The Republic of Armenia will be secure and prosperous, made possible by democracy, the rule of law, advanced market reforms and a people in full and vigilant partnership with their government at all levels.
Via the direct participation of its duly elected leaders, Artsakh Republic’s final status – either as an independent state or as an integral and contiguous part of the Republic of Armenia – will be resolved, internationally recognized and guaranteed.
The Diaspora will be a vital partner for Armenia and Artsakh throughout the world and linked together in effective collaboration to advance pan-Armenia interests globally. A Diaspora-wide consensus will have been realized for the Republic of Armenia to deal with historic and contemporary questions that impact all Armenians.
In view of its ongoing growth in size, competence and reach, the Armenian Assembly of America will be the leading champion in deepening the U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Artsakh relationships and will be in the forefront of a comprehensive, non-partisan, Diaspora-wide effort to irrevocably secure Armenia’s and Artsakh's freedom, democracy and security.
TO SUSTAIN and strengthen the organization as the community’s preeminent non-partisan advocate representing Armenian-American interests to the U.S. public and the policy-making community.
TO PROVIDE ever expanding opportunities for the active participation of all Armenian-Americans in the American democratic process at the federal, state and local levels.
TO EXPAND the organization's pioneering research, education, and advocacy campaigns for universal affirmation of the Armenian Genocide and to secure Diaspora-wide consensus for the government of the Republic of Armenia to deal with the consequences of this crime against humanity.
TO PROMOTE public and private civil society initiatives within Armenia and Artsakh, simultaneously maintaining the organization’s policy of non-interference in those societies’ internal affairs.
TO LEAD in securing increasingly more effective collaboration among Armenian-American organizations and to establish results-oriented working relationships with non-partisan advocacy entities and relevant individuals world-wide.